Worker From Tamil Nadu Makes A Remote Controlled Bed For His Sick Wife

Harin - Mar 25, 2019

Worker From Tamil Nadu Makes A Remote Controlled Bed For His Sick Wife

A welding laborer from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu made a remote controlled bed for his wife after she remained bedridden for two months.

In such a touching action, a welding worker in Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu created a remote controlled bed for his sick wife after she became bedridden. In order for his wife to feel comfortable, 42 -year-old Saravana Muthu decided to make the bed. With this creation, he even received a second prize award from the National Innovation Foundation.

A while ago, Muthu’s wife went through a surgery and thus became bedridden.

After witnessing his wife’s struggle, he wanted to do something and came up with a toilet bed with remote control.

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Muthu and his bed.

In an interview with the Times Of India, he said:


The bed comes with a closet, a flush tank, an opening located in the middle, and a tube connected to the septic tank. The remote control has three buttons: one is to open the bed’s base while the second is to open the closet. The third one is for toilet flushing.

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Muthu - Third from the right.

Muthu even had the chance to speak with A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, who was the former president some months before he died. Kalam was the one who guided Muthu and suggested him applying for the National Innovation Foundation award.

On March 5, President Ram Nath Kovind awarded Muthu with a second prize which includes Rs 2 lakh and Rs 35,00m reimbursement for the making of the first bed.

Since 2015, he has received over 350 orders from all around India, but due to some circumstances, he has been able to complete only one order so far.


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