TikTok Users Are Burning Snow To Prove It's Fake

Dhir Acharya

Recently, there have been many videos posted on Twitter and TikTok showing people burn snow to “prove” it’s fake snow. Spoiler alert: The snow is real.

Recently, there have been many videos posted on Twitter and TikTok showing people burn snow to “prove” it’s fake snow. In these videos, users place a flame against a snowball and observe the reaction. While the snow is obviously real and the reaction is perfectly normal, these videos still got millions of views on social media.

So, who is creating this “fake” snow around the world, according to conspiracy theorists? Some of them believe China is sending fake snow to the United States to convince the American people that climate change is real. Some conspiracy theorists even say that China might have done this to defame Senator Ted Cruz.

TikTok users are burning "fake snow" and record the reaction

In a recent TikTok video showing this act, a woman says, “No water, no dripping, no nothing.” The video was re-uploaded to Twitter for fun.

The woman also says, “If I put this in the microwave, it’s going to start sparking because there’s metal mixed in it.”

After the woman takes the lighter away, you can hear the man say “No way, it’s gotten harder.” Then, the woman says, “It’s not melting, it’s just burning.”

However, the snow is real and the reaction seen in the video is called sublimation. That means when a flame hits the snowball, the snow turns from the solid form into a gas form instead of liquid. The snow is vaporized instead of becoming a water puddle on the ground. Sublimation has been explained in several YouTube videos.

The woman in the TikTok video did put the snow in the microwave in order to prove it’s actually filled with metal. But, of course, the snow did not start sparking and there was no metal.

This turns out to be just a conspiracy theory

This conspiracy has, in fact, been around for a few years now. The reason why it has resurfaced is that Texa is experiencing devastating weather with snow in areas that barely ever see snow. A lot of people in this state are seeing snow for the very first time in their lives. Besides, Bill Gates has come up with the idea of using weather control to fight climate change, which also triggered conspiracy theories. His idea is to spray calcium carbonate (CaCO3) into the atmosphere to reflect part of sun rays back to lower the Earth’s temperature.

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