This Ridiculous, Useless Machine Takes Longer Than A Lifetime To Complete One Rotation

Dhir Acharya - Mar 08, 2020

This Ridiculous, Useless Machine Takes Longer Than A Lifetime To Complete One Rotation

Its operations is like that seen in washing machine blenders. But it would take years and years for its last gear to complete a full rotation.

Cars, washing machines, blenders, and similar machines rely on reduction drives of their multiple gears to raise the torque or reduce the rotation speed of a motor. But Daniel De Bruin has taken this to the extreme by building a machine that has 100 connected gears, turning so slowly on one end that it will take longer than a lifetime to complete a full rotation.

The machine has 100 connected gears
The machine has 100 connected gears

Each pair of gears has a 1-to-10 reduction, which means after a gear makes a full rotation for 10 times, the next one will rotate just once, and the machine has 100 gears in total. So, by calculation, for the 100th gear to complete a rotation, the first one has to complete a googol rotations, meaning 10^100 rotations.

The inspiration that motivated De Bruin to build this machine was when he turned 1 billion seconds old, exactly at 2:52 PM, March 1, 2020. This is surely not a common way to celebrate your birthday or your existence on Earth.

The first gear has to complete 10^100 rotations for the last one to complete one
The first gear has to complete 10^100 rotations for the last one to complete one

A googol is a huge number that not all of us can put into perspective, but if it helps you imagine a little better, the entire universe has from 10^78 to 10^82 atoms known, which is still fewer than 10^100.

De Bruin has posted videos recording his machine running for an hour and he’s considering setting up a live stream so that everyone can watch it in real-time. However, he suspects that it can live long enough to complete a full action, which is why he’s planning to build a more robust version that can run for years.

Now, what the machine for yourself in the following video.

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