This 3D-Printed Mask Lets You Disguise As Anyone, Anything

Dhir Acharya

A new creation has been added to the already long list of technology advances, a mask that lets you be anyone, anything you want to be.

Technology advances have made its presence in every aspect of our life, from small devices that stick with us all the time like smartphones and computers to bigger ones like cars. Technology advances have also resulted in less practical, but cool inventions such as a Rubik's cube that solves itself in mid-air, a self-driving trash can, a robot that navigates itself through blood vessels, and so on.

No matter if those advances are practical or not, they all bring us closer to a more intelligent, more interesting world of the future. And now another creation has been added to that list of advances, a mask that lets you be anyone, anything you want to be.

A man has designed and engineered a projection mask with the ability to change its face, allowing you to disguise as whoever and whatever you wish, as long as its battery still has juice. Especially, you can use this mask year over year to cosplay at your Halloween parties.

This creation is pretty simple because it is basically a 3D-printed white plastic mask held on your head by a welder’s head strap, and your costume will be complete with a black hoodie. The more complicated thing here is the projector rig hanging off a short arm which extends from the mask’s bottom.

You can buy small pico projectors whose sizes are just similar to a deck of cards, then you have to give them something to project. The man behind this mask chose to use a Rasberry Pi to play videos stored in a memory card connected to the projector directly by using a self-made custom circuit board.

And as the projector hangs below the mask, projecting onto the mask from a low angle, the creator had to modify some footage, including faces, so they wouldn’t appear warped when they were projected on the mask. The results are good enough to give you a unique look for Halloweens or any other occasion you like.

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