The Most Ridiculous Things That You Can Only See In Russia

Dhir Acharya

The Most Ridiculous Things That You Can Only See In Russia

How Russia comes on the news may give the impression that it’s a country of politics, bots, and electoral manipulation. But it's hilarious too.

How Russia comes on the news may give the impression that it’s a country of politics, bots, and electoral manipulation. But the country is also a land of beauty and innovation. If you are familiar with the meme culture, you will definitely know there is something distinct about the people in this country that’s weird and hilarious at the same time. And the following images and videos are the perfect examples of that.

The contrast in this picture is out of this world, the romantic autumn road versus the S-400 SAMs. This can also be seen in Russia.

The romantic autumn road versus the S-400 SAMs
The romantic autumn road versus the S-400 SAMs

The following picture is AdBlock in Russia. The man in the advertisement is Banksy, who’s known for the anti-ads sentiment. The Russian takes it literally.

AdBlock in Russia

Bears are very common in Russia, so common you can them playing with a dog in daylight and the dog even seems casual. In another clip, you can see the bear sitting right next to a police officer, he even gives the bear a tuba.

Wolves attack Russian traffic cops on M23 highway

How Russians do car prank. Someone’s about to be so pissed.

Someone wrote the name of the Soviet medium tank of this polar bear. Not just the choice of word, but writing on a polar bear, just another regular day in Russia.

Polar medium tank

In 2016, there was a huge snowstorm in Siberia that left ice balls that measures up to 1 meter in width.

Snowballs that throw you

How far can you go for your cat? This Russian smuggled his cat onto the plane with him because he couldn’t leave his beloved friend in the cargo space.

Sneaking his cat into a plane

A kid in operating a tank? You can’t see this anywhere else in the world.

Russia is probably the only place in the world where you can find a military-themed park instead of Disneyland. Patriot Park opened in 2016 with exhibits where visitors can try out military equipment.

A military-themed park instead of Disneyland

There’s a statue in this country that pays tribute to all the lab mice used in experiments in the pursuit of scientific progress.

Honoring the mice sacrificed for science

In the 1960s, this country seriously thought of using a trained powered with a jet engine for public transport. They tested it and quickly realize the train would derail easily if there was a problem on the track.

Futuristic train tested in the 60s

Shortly after the announcement of the Tesla Cybertruck, Russians witnessed a hilarious copycat on the street.

This Russian Batmobile features a 500 horsepower engine, a laser mounted on its body. It was sold at an auction for $850,000.

The Batmobile

Nothing can stop the Russian and their 4x4s.

Russia created its own version of Optimus Prime.

Russian version of Optimus

A dairy farm in Russia put VR headsets on cows to help them relax and make more milk.

VR headsets for cows

This meme looks like it’s saying: “We don’t need to upgrade it, we made it perfect already, no room for improvement.”

Russian cars are perfect

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