This Startup Can Remove Carbon Dioxide From Air & Create Carbon-Neutral Fuel


Carbon Engineering applies a technology called Direct Air Capture (DAC) to combine huge fans and chemical scrubbing processes that can capture the carbon dioxide in the environment.

Although humans have made a lot of efforts to prevent global warming and other environmental issues, we haven’t found out a feasible solution to handle carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere.

Carbon Engineering sets up a plan to catch and reuse the entire amount of carbon in the air.

In recent days, a company in Canada sets up a plan to catch and reuse the entire amount of carbon that is floating freely in the air.

Headquartered in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, the clean energy company Carbon Engineering gets support from many renowned oil companies such as Chevron, Occidental, and BHP, as well as one of the wealthiest people in the world – Bill Gates.

According to Carbon Engineering, they will apply a technology called Direct Air Capture (DAC) to combine huge fans and chemical scrubbing processes that can capture the carbon dioxide in the environment.

In fact, Carbon Engineering is not the first one to introduce the DAC technology. However, the company still expresses its confidence in its CO2 capture process. They believe that with full of advanced technologies, their product will earn profits for the company.

In addition, they are also aiming at a bigger target. First, the clean energy company converts the carbon dioxide into calcium carbonate pellets which will be then heated to create the carbon dioxide in the gas state in closed chambers. Inside these chambers, the gas will be instantly turned into synthetic fuel that can be used for planes, ships, and trains.

The gas will be instantly turned into synthetic fuel that can be used for planes, ships, and trains.

This kind of fuel is a carbon-neutral fuel because the used raw ingredient in the DAC technology is carbon emitted into the air. Besides, the redundancy of captured carbon that isn’t converted into fuel will be returned into the ground to generate more oil.

In addition to the existing investments, the company from Canada hopes to look for other funds to help it build a carbon capture factory for $500 million. The factory is expected to deal with carbon emissions from 250,000 vehicles per year.

However, we can’t be sure whether this solution can perform efficiently in a long time or not. One of our most important problems is how to reduce carbon dioxide in the air. We can’t now answer the question of whether the DAC technology can help us to save the environment or just make us more dependent on fossil fuels. Let the time tell us!

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