Samsung Has Filed The Most Autonomous Car Patents In Europe

Harin - Jan 03, 2019

Samsung Has Filed The Most Autonomous Car Patents In Europe

Samsung Electronics Co. is the company that filed the most self-driving cars patents in Europe, compared to other automobile manufacturers.



From Monday’s data, it is clear that Samsung Electronics Co. is the company that filed the most autonomous cars patents in Europe, compared to other automobile manufacturers. According to data from EPO (the European Patent Office), the number of autonomous vehicles applications in Europe in 2017 tripled those in 2011, with 3,998 and 922 patents respectively.



In the period from 2011 to 2017, Samsung took the first place with 624 filed patents while the US IT giant Intel Corp came close with 590 patents. Qualcomm Inc, the US chipmaker came at the third place with 361 licenses while its South Korea’s rival, LG Electronics Inc ranked fourth in the list. The last spot belonged to Bosch, a German engineering firm with 343 autonomous cars patents.


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The data suggests that information and communication tech companies were making more and more efforts in securing autonomous technologies than other traditional car manufacturers.


Only three companies the belongs to the list of 10 players, namely Continental AG, Toyota Motor Corp., Bosch were involved in the motor industry. Europe made up for 37.2 percent of the total filed patents, with the US came in close with 33.7 percent. Japan accounted for 13 percent while the percentages of South Korea and China were much lower with 7 percent and 3 percent respectively.


As stated in another document from the Korea Institute of Intellectual Property, in the period from 2008 to 2017 in South Korea, Hyundai Motor won the first spot with the most related patents at 981 filed documents.


The second spot was Hyundai Mobis Co. with 686 patents. Mando Corp. ranked third with 564 filed licensed. LG Electronics took the fourth place with 293 registered patents while the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute filed the least patents, 238 only.


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