Researchers Have Come Up With Stretchable Batteries


Markus Niederberger, a professor at the ETH Zürich technical university in Switzerland has come up with “stretchable batteries”.

One of the major challenges that smartphone makers need to overcome during a foldable phone designing processing is the battery. A foldable phone, unfortunately, doesn’t have a foldable battery. Yet. However, that could possibly be changed soon as professor Markus Niederberger from the ETH Zürich technical university, Switzerland has been working on “stretchable batteries.”

The name itself is quite self-explanatory. These batteries are stretchable, foldable, and twistable, making it the perfect choice for foldable smartphones as well as tablets. Just thinking how these batteries could be used for Huawei Matter X or the next-gen Samsung Galaxy Fold would be incredible.

These batteries are stretchable, foldable, and twistable.

The battery uses a new kind of material which was discovered by Xi Chen, the study’s lead author. The paper called “Fully Integrated Design of a Stretchable Solid-State Lithium-Ion Full Battery can be founded in the Advanced Materials journal.

You must have been wondering about the new battery technology’s mechanism. It uses a new electrolyte which helps lithium-ions, depending on the energy flow, travel in one of the directions. The collectors for both the cathode and anode are made using bendable carbon.

For those who are curious about the materials, vanadium oxide is used to make the battery’s anode while lithium manganese is used to make the cathode. Inside these surfaces, there are microscopic silver flakes which work as a conductive layer. Below is the battery’s internal structure which you can take a look at.

The structure of the stretchable battery.

At the moment, the battery is not yet ready to be used for the upcoming foldable phones as the scientists are on the quest to find a suitable adhesive which can help to hold all the layers together. All we can do is wait until the scientists come up with a feasible solution. And until the battery is ready, it could be a revolutionary and a key to open up a new door full of possibilities for foldable devices.

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