This Device Can Print Artificial Skin Right On Burn Wounds

Aadhya Khatri

In the latest test, the team said that the artificial skin sheets were placed precisely and safely on the wound with minimal movements

Back in 2018, some scientists in Canada introduced a device that can print artificial skin right on the burn wounds.

According to Axel Günther, the analogy behind this creation is a duct tape dispenser. Instead of having a roll of tape, the scientists created a device that can create tissue tape.

Instead of having a roll of tape, the scientists created a device that can create tissue tape

In the last two years, the team has done experiments to see if the artificial skin device is safe to use on humans. Their tests on pigs yield some promising results.

We have several different methods to treat burn wounds but the most common is skin graft, which is to remove the damaged tissue and then in its place, put in healthy skin taken from another part of the victim. However, this method cannot be used in all cases.

Günther said in a press release that when both the upper and lower layers of the skin were destroyed, there was no healthy tissue left to work with anymore.

Other ways to treat wounds include Vitro skin substitutes and collagen scaffolds all have their disadvantages. This is where their artificial skin device comes into play.

The microdevice will deposits bioink strips directly to the wounds. The ink contains both mesenchymal stromal cells to boost the immune system, and healing proteins.

In the latest test, the team used the device on a full-thickness burn on pigskin, and the results are promising. They said that the artificial skin sheets were placed precisely and safely on the wound with minimal movements.

The test also showed that wound healed well with scarring, contraction, and inflammation reduced compared to those treated by collagen scaffold or left untreated.

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