Photographer Takes N.u.d.e Group Photo Shoots To Encourage Social Distancing During Lockdown

Karamchand Rameshwar

US photographer Spencer Tunick shoots n.u.d.e photos through a video conferencing service with the participation of many volunteers to encourage social distancing amid lockdown.

US photographer Spencer Tunick shoots nude photos through a video app with the participation of many volunteers to encourage social distancing.

Nearly 600 people have joined in this project. Volunteers participating in the project of collective nudity photography by photographer Spencer Tunick. Photo: Spencer Tunick

Volunteers participating in Tunick's "Stay Apart Together" project were naked, wearing masks and posing in the same poses while staying at home to keep Covid-19 from spreading. The purpose of Tunick's project is to reflect "a full rainbow" of all colors and shapes, weight, occupation, and nationality.

In just a few weeks, 53-year-old Tunick has photographed people on video screens from all over the country, including Lebanon, Thailand, Mexico, and France. He is still looking for a model and is very happy to have people in Syria contact to offer to join this photo project.

"Every year for the last 25 years I've done a group nude, and I didn't want this to be the first time that it didn't happen,” said the photographer in New York, USA. "When it's a group of people and they're being directed into different positions and there's a uniformity to it, I think it takes away the sexuality -- even though it is sensual in nature,"

Hundreds of people strip for mass nude photos

Tunick himself believes that his project is a reminder that we are still human in the midst of the global Covid-19 crisis. "I think that connecting with the body during these times reaffirms that we're not turning into robots, that we're not in a fascist state and that we're free thinkers -- online bohemians -- who are making art as a community and going up against the grain," he said.

He feels fortunate to have the opportunity to work with people whom he thought could not cooperate before the pandemic struck. Chiffeni Rofe, 30, one of his models, admits she might not be willing to take part in the project of nude outdoor photography, but this online photography makes her more comfortable. 

Lee Smyth, 29, a lingerie manager in Australia, also signed up for this project of Tunick after joining 594 others for a group nude photo on Chapel Street, Melbourne City, in 2018.

"Coming to terms with who I am, what I am and how I appear has been really empowering," Smyth said. "So to be able to share that in such a unique and historic way through Spencer's work has been really quite liberating."

Photographer Spencer Tunick.

Tunick is famous for taking striking mass nude photographs. He once set a record for shooting 18,000 naked people in Mexico City. However, only 50 people are allowed in a single call via his video conferencing service (include himself),  he could only shoot 49 other people at a time. He plans to create a double image of 98 people using two screens at the same time.

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