NASA Says Aliens May Be On Earth Already, It's Just That We Don't Know

Dhir Acharya

A senior scientist from NASA suggests that aliens may have come to Earth already and we're just too naive to know.

Let’s forget about all the confidential plans for a while, NASA now says that it seems like aliens have come to our planet already, written in its scientific paper. The only reason why we did not know is because we did not look at the right signs of their life.

This study has raised a question about our basic understanding of other lives in the universe.

Professor Silvano P Colombano, specialized in computer science at NASA Ames Research Center, wrote in a detailed research paper that perhaps aliens is far different from what we have known and expected.

For instance, according to Colombano, it’s possible that aliens do not rely on carbon to live, which means even when visiting Earth, they can stay undetected by humans for so long.

Colombano started his research paper in March 2018, and just announced it recently. In his paper, the scientist says there’s one simple fact he wants to point out is that the kind of intelligence we may have found and that chose to find us (unless it has) is likely not to be organisms built on carbon-based structures like humans.

Interstellar travel for this form of superintelligence creatures will be as easy as a jump, skip, and hop. With that in mind, there’s a likeliness that aliens are already on Earth with us at this moment.

But the questions of how to find it or how to recognize it is left open. For now, we don’t know what a non-carbon creature looks like, so there are more guesses to do.

In 1969, NASA sent the first human to the Moon. Before that, in 1960, NASA appointed Washington based Brookings Research Institute to make a report on the possibilities of seeing extraterrestrial life as well as to detail how NASA should deal with situations of encountering UFOs. The report, pusblished in the same year, said that if aliens were found, that could change or even put an end to our civilization.

With that in mind, perhaps we should prepare ourselves for the worst.