Disgusting Human Cruelty: Baby Lion Tortured, Legs Broken So That He Couldn't Run Away From Tourists

Aadhya Khatri - Jun 12, 2020

Disgusting Human Cruelty: Baby Lion Tortured, Legs Broken So That He Couldn't Run Away From Tourists

The baby lion was unable to move, was not fed, and left in a barn in the freezing temperature of Dagestan, Russia

A baby lion’s hind legs are believed to be broken so that he could not run away when tourists want to pose with him.

The act is so shocking that Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, himself ordered an investigation into the cruelty Simba, the lion cub in question, had to suffer.

There is a video recently surfaces showing Simba before and after surgery, as well as him learning to walk again.

Simba was taken from his mother to be an entertaining object for tourists when he was only a few weeks old. After a summer of exploiting him, the owner is believed to break his legs so that he could not run away.

lion cub legs broken Russia
Simba was taken from his mother to be an entertaining object for tourists when he was only a few weeks old

Under the cruelty of the owner, who beaten and tortured him, Simba’s spine was badly injured and he was on the verge of death.

According to Yulia Ageeva, leader of the rescue team, the poor lion cub lived in a real hell when they found him. He was unable to move, was not fed, and left in a barn in the freezing temperature of Dagestan, Russia.

Karen Dallakyan, the specialist vet who treated Simba said he was in an ocean of pain caused by humans before he was rescued. He shared that this was common practice among heartless wildlife photographers who broke animals’ bones so that they cannot run.

The vet has operated to save Simba legs but unfortunately, the lion cub is now permanently deformed. Apart from that, he also suffered from intestinal obstructions, atrophy of hind limbs and muscles, and pressure sores.

Russian lion Cub Simba
The vet has operated to save Simba legs but unfortunately, the lion cub is now permanently deformed

Putin was informed about the act in his video conference with ecologists and he promised the authority would look into the problem and got justice for the tortured animal.

According to Dallakyan, a criminal investigation has been conducted. The photographer worked with the lion cub last summer denied the criminal act saying that Simba belonged to another owner when he was beaten and starved.

lion cub simba broken legs russia
The vet expressed surprise at Simba’s recovery saying that it was a miracle

The vet expressed surprise at Simba’s recovery saying that it was a miracle.


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