No Japanese Pilot Has Faced UFOs, But This Country Is Drafting A Set Of Protocols For UFO Encounters

Anil - May 05, 2020

No Japanese Pilot Has Faced UFOs, But This Country Is Drafting A Set Of Protocols For UFO Encounters

The Defense Ministry of Japan has started to work on necessary procedures for Self-Defense Forces (SDF) pilots in case they catch sign of any UFO.

The Defense Ministry of Japan is outlining a set of protocols for UFO encounters after the U.S Department of Defense recently decided to go public with some videos that record mysterious objects.

Ufo Sky
Unidentified flying objects - commonly known as UFOs.

The ministry has started to work on necessary procedures for Self-Defense Forces (SDF) pilots in case they catch sign of UFOs. They will be responsible for not only interacting with such an unidentified object but also filming and writing out detailed reports.

On Monday, the U.S Department of Defense released videos showing an airborne elliptic-shaped object with unprecedented speed and maneuvers. Those recordings were taken between 2004 and 2015.

Ufo Lock Target
The decision came after the U.S Department of Defense went public with some videos that record mysterious objects.

According to Japan’s Defense Minister Taro Kono, there’s no case in which SDF pilots face UFO, but protocols for future encounters are under development if any possibility would happen in the near future.

In the meantime, Japanese fighter jets from several military bases across the country are speeding up the process of monitoring as well as identifying aircraft with unknown nationality.

Ufo Taro Kono
Taro Kono - Defense Minister of Japan.

For instance, if it enters the airspace territories of Japan, the fighters will ask it to communicate in English. Once they’re able to recognize its nationality, requests will be sent to the aircraft in that country’s language.

In response to UFOs, however, it remains unclear whether or not such practices would bring effective results. What’s more, it’s evident that UFOs won’t be easily detected by most of the radar systems we’ve operated so far.

>>> The Pentagon Releases Three Classified UFO Videos, They Are Real?



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