India Needs This Noise Radar System Which Automatically Fines Loud Vehicles

Harin - Sep 05, 2019

India Needs This Noise Radar System Which Automatically Fines Loud Vehicles

Several parts of Paris are now putting to test a new noise radar system, which automatically fines people for noise pollution.

Having your own super powerful car means how great it looks and how awesome it sounds running on the streets. But Parisians who own supercars might have to rethink if they want to show off their vehicles as they might receive a quite hefty fine for that.

Several parts of the city are now testing a new traffic monitoring system. Instead of using speed cameras, nonprofit Bruitparif “noise radar” will be deployed. The radar can detect noisy vehicles running on the road and later automatically find them.

To determine a sound’s origins, the system makes use of four microphones which are synced with CCTV footage from the location to find the car responsible. Around the city, about 40 devices are being tested, primarily near the major nightlife areas and 187 major buildings of Paris.

Around the city, about 40 devices are being tested, primarily near the major nightlife areas and 187 major buildings of Paris.

The trial will last for the next two years. At the moment, the system won’t fine people. It will only simply test whether the technology is feasible and whether it will do its job and function.

However, there is actually a draft due for a vote by the end this year to determine whether to fine people for polluting the city with noise. If most of the voters say yes, this device will definitely be of good use.

With these noise radars, officials could deal with Paris’ noise pollution. They could also convince people to switch to using electric vehicles or fuel-efficient cars which produce much less noise.

And of course, India is in desperate need of something like this to stop people from honking indiscriminately. But that is in case it can detect the noisemakers from hundreds of vehicles stuck in a jam. Or maybe it could even help find those people who play loud music in the middle of the night.


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