How To Make An Iron Man Glove With An Actual Plasma Cutter

Dhir Acharya

Iron Man’s suit looks awesome in the movie and his special gadgets make him an amazing superhero in the Marvel universe. And it can be a real-life thing.

Iron Man’s suit looks awesome in the movie and his special gadgets make him an amazing superhero in the Marvel universe. But if we had an actual Iron Man in real life, he would likely be more dangerous to himself than villains.

Tony Stark, a.k.a Iron Man and his arm piece of the Iron Man suit

Creators from the Hacksmith YouTube channel are specialized in creating machines that shouldn’t exist. So far, their creations include Batarangs, a protosaber, among other superhero weapons.

And in a video released just days ago, the team has taken the challenge of making a device like that on the Iron Man suit from real technology, maker grit, and welding equipment. Don’t try this on your own or you may hurt yourself.

Hacksmith's machine has a real plasma cutter that's really dangerous

The latest creation to resemble Iron Man is a plasma gauntlet that shoots a laser. In this case, the superheated plasma is typically used for welding. Though the machine involves a backpack, it’s quite neat.

See the device in the following video.

For a long time, YouTubers and creators have challenged themselves in turning gadgets in films to real-life things. There are a lot of examples, but we would want to refer to a 2019 video in which a guy managed to make web-launching devices that resemble Spiderman's superpower. The device looks neat on the wrist and launches strings that can even knock down some obstacles.

>>> This Web Shooter Will Make You Feel Like Spiderman

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