What Is A Gyrocopter And Everything Else To Know About This Ultralight Aircraft

Dhir Acharya

What Is A Gyrocopter And Everything Else To Know About This Ultralight Aircraft

A gyrocopter is a type of aircraft that’s easy to fly with amazing maneuverability. So, what do you know about it? This post will help you.

A gyrocopter is a type of aircraft that’s easy to fly with amazing maneuverability. So, what do you know about it? In this post, we will discuss this kind of aircraft, its operation, and how to build one.

What is this ultralight airplane?

What is a gyrocopter?

Also known as an autogyro or a gyroplane, this is a kind of flying machine belonging to the rotorcraft category. While gyrocopters look like helicopters, they have completely different construction and way of flying. Simply speaking, gyrocopters come with spinning blades on top that provide lift but their rotors are powered by a propeller engine that harnesses wind energy to generate thrust.

The creator of the gyrocopter is Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva, who became obsessed with making an aircraft that had three engines to fly safely at a lower speed. Between 1920 and 1923, he created C1, C2, and C3 prototypes, all of which failed because of errors in the rotor design. Then, in 1923, he completed C4, which came under the name “autogiro.” This is how the gyrocopter was created.

A prototype created in 1923

How does a gyrocopter work?

Gyrocopters rely on a phenomenon called autorotation to fly. As we stated in the previous section, the rotor is not powered by an engine; instead, it’s created to spin on its own. When moving the aircraft forward, the propeller pushes wind through the blades of the rotor to spin fast and provide enough power to lift the machine up in the air.

How is a gyrocopter different to other aircraft?

Compared with other types of aircraft like planes and helicopters, gyrocopters are easier to fly because they have only three flight controls, including a throttle, rudder pedals, as well as a control stick. This makes gyrocopters much simpler than helicopters or planes, perfect for beginners with no prior flying experience.

Besides, gyrocopters do not require as much space to land or take off as a helicopter and aeroplane does. Most existing gyrocopters need only 4.5 meters of runway to take off and about 6 meters to land. This means it can be flown from anywhere.

Gyrocopters have another advantage over other types of aircraft thanks to the constant autorotation system. Even when the air stops flowing, there will still be lift power. In such a case, the rotor will slow down but keep spinning, which generates lift power allowing gyrocopters to descend safely and gently.

How to build a gyrocopter?

You will need the following items

  • Safety wire
  • Square galvanized steel or aluminum
  • Chalk
  • Drill guides
  • Screws and bolts
  • Welding and soldering tools
  • Gyrocopter construction manual
  • Hand drill
  • Level

Follow these steps

  • Step 1: Select a design

The very first thing to do is determining a design you want for your gyrocopter as the frame will depend on it. You can find designs made to work efficiently or designs that provide ease of construction.

  • Step 2: Buy panel material

After choosing a design, you can identify the size and length of squared galvanized or aluminum steel sheets as well as the number of screws and bolts needed. Most DIY gyrocopters come with this information, so you will be able to determine easily. You can otherwise buy gyrocopter kits that include all the necessary parts to assemble a gyrocopter.

  • Step 3: Plan, measure, and drill holes

When all the frame material is ready, you can begin to drill. You should use a sharp hand drill along with flat-steel drilling guides to make sure you get precise depth cuts.

When drilling holes, you should refer to the manual to find the right distance between holes. When drilling, you should read the manual often to make sure you measure accurately.

When drilling, you also need to make sure the holes are straight and level, you can use level and a chalk line to ensure this.

  • Step 4: Assemble squared galvanized or aluminum steels

In this step, you need to properly connect all the square aluminum with bolts and screws.

The first thing to remember is using a safety wire, which will keep the bolts from jumping out from the hole. The wire offers additional protection by giving backup support, and it helps strengthen the gyrocopter frame. Naturally, airframe vibration happens after the gyrocopter is in the air, which can loosen bolts and screws. Nevertheless, the safety wire attached to the bolts will minimize this risk.

How much does a gyrocopter cost?

Most factory-built gyrocopters are priced at around Rs 34.5 lakh to Rs 39.4 lakh. In addition to this amount of money to buy a gyrocopter, you will also need to apply for a license that verifies your ability to fly solo.

What to wear when flying a gyrocopter?

No matter if you fly in a closed or open cockpit, you need adequate clothing. This includes comfortable trousers along with covered shoes. You should also wear a helmet, flying shoes, and gloves.

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