75Ft Giant Dead Blue Whale Washed Up Near A Beach In Indonesia


Lidya Tesa Saputra, a local conservation official, said in an interview that she had no clue as to the cause of the blue whale’s death.

Locals and conservationists are baffled after the decaying body of a 23-meter giant blue whale washed up on the shore of the Na Batu Kepala Beach in Indonesia. Curious onlookers flocked to the area to take a look.

Lidya Tesa Saputra, a local conservation official, said in an interview that she had no clue as to the cause of the blue whale’s death. And it seemed like it hadn’t died here and had been dead for some time.

Officials don’t know how the giant marine mammal died and ended up on the beach. A video was shared by AFP with people crowded the beach to sneak a look at the bloated carcass.

However, before the conservationists brought the whale to the shore and examined to find out the cause of its death, the body of the giant creature was already washed back to the sea.

A blue whale can weigh up to 200 tons while it can grow as long as 32 meters.

Blue whales are currently the world’s largest animals. Its weight can reach up to 200 tons while it can grow as long as 32 meters.

Last October, near Kupand, people found seven dead pilot whales. For whales, cross-currents are dangerous because they can get stuck between the reefs that are close to the shore.

In 2018, a dead sperm whale was found in Indonesia with plastic bags and cups inside its stomach.

Back in 2018, the body of a dead sperm whale was found in Indonesia. Inside its stomach, people found over 25 plastic bags and 100 plastic cups, raising concerns about the marine rubbish problem of Southeast Asia.

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