Fake Pedestrian Knocked Over By Tesla Car, Flew 3 Meters Away, Maybe The Car Knew It Wasn't Human?

Dhir Acharya

Fake Pedestrian Knocked Over By Tesla Car, Flew 3 Meters Away, Maybe The Car Knew It Wasn't Human?

Earlier this month, a video on Weibo was posted on Twitter, showing a stuffed dummy move in front of a Tesla Model 3 that was accelerating quickly.

No matter how advanced the technology Tesla uses, it seems not enough to save the life of a simulated pedestrian.

Earlier this month, a video on Weibo was posted on Twitter, showing a stuffed dummy move in front of a Tesla Model 3 that was accelerating quickly. The car ran into the dummy and only stopped a moment after the dummy was already knocked over and lost 2 legs. Imagine what if that were an actual human.

The video was first spotted by Jalopnik. And Tesla did not respond to questions about the video.

It remains unclear who held the event where the video was recorded, but it looks like tests that AAA carried out in the United States last year. The Automobile Association of America used 2019 cars, including the Tesla Model 3, to test the braking technologies of different manufacturers. And like this Chinese dummy, those fake pedestrians never ended well.

The Tesla Modle 3 used in the video

Though braking technologies are getting better, the number of pedestrian deaths. In 2019, the US recorded the most pedestrian deaths in the past 30 years.

Also this month, Elon Musk said that a revamped software will come out by November, which may include the expected full self-driving feature that the company has been working on for a long time.

Talking about the upcoming release, Musk said:

“We had to rewrite everything, labeling software, just the entire code base, it took us quite a while. I call it like 4D in the sense that it's 3-dimensions plus time. It's just taken us a while to rewrite everything. It's amazing. Yes. It's just — it's clearly going to work.”

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