Facebook Puts A Ban On Two White Nationalist Groups

Anil Singh - Nov 27, 2019

Facebook Puts A Ban On Two White Nationalist Groups

Facebook will ban the white supremacist group only when it feels ashamed of them.

Red Ice TV and Affirmative Right are the two white nationalism advocation groups that are officially deactivated on Facebook. The prohibition was right after The Guardian’s report of a great number of Facebook warning posts that they would not allow skin-racist content last eight months. 

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The two groups mentioned before are seen as the most noticeable ones. Regarding Red Ice TV, they have had some interviews with a few infamous celebrities, for e.g Andrew Anglin - the publisher from Daily Stormer. A result of the group’s removal from Facebook is the following corruption of a lot of pages as well as online radio show run by Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren. In the meantime, Affirmative Right also depends on the reputation of Richard Spencer. Consequently, both groups had been listed on the blacklist of Facebook, according to the company spokesperson’s revelation to The Guardian. 

Unfortunately, Facebook has not eliminated all of the groups like Red Ice TV or Affirmative Right yet, due to an active Facebook page of VDare. That organization was also spotted by the Guardian because of some suspicious email from Stephen Miller - the White House senior consultant during Trump presidential campaign three years ago.  


Gradually, people notice that Facebook will ban the white supremacist group only when it feels ashamed of them. Ironically, few individuals at the company have equipped themselves with full awareness of the company’s negative image when doing so. On the day when it publicized white-nationalism content prohibition, a ton of emails was leaked, showing its confusion when dealing with opinions from haters. A Facebook manager’s statement was seen in one leaked email, which advised the media to report them as being incompatible or ineffective in the discussion of whether Alex Jone’s post should be considered as a violation or not. Therefore, despite all the efforts to eliminate Red Ice TV and Affirmative Right, Facebook repeatedly appears to be incompatible and ineffective. 



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