Do These Giant Disinfectant Machines Really Work In Fighting Coronavirus?


Do These Giant Disinfectant Machines Really Work In Fighting Coronavirus?

When Coronavirus continues spreading like a wildfire in China, it isn’t hard to find disinfectant systems set up in public places.

When Coronavirus continues spreading like a wildfire in China, it isn’t hard to find disinfectant systems set up in public places.

Videos surfacing on the Internet show that in Wuhan and some other cities that are under lockdown, huge trucks running on the streets and spraying a white mist of disinfectant into the air.

This process is not only done on items but also on humans. In Shanghai, a company has set up a giant disinfectant machine that can kill 99% of the virus. A similar system has been built in Chongqing.

But do these systems really work?

Experts said that bleach and disinfectant are things that you should not have direct contact with. So, these giant disinfectant machines really do more harm than good.

According to Mark Tucker, Chief Scientific Officer at Decon7 Systems, a major manufacturer of disinfectant, chlorine bleach doesn’t penetrate body flues. It doesn’t penetrate oil and sebum. That’s why it doesn’t kill the virus.

Tucker shared that due to the high demand for disinfectant these days, every month, his company exported tonnes of disinfectant to China.

Hu Qiwen, a worker at Sinopec Jianghan Salt and Chemical Complex, also said that his company in China was working at full capacity to meet the demand at the moment.

Tucker explained that the most effective method to prevent Coronavirus was cleaning or disinfecting things or surfaces in your houses. The regular disinfectant will only be effective in 24 hours. So you will have to reclean the room.

A sanitation worker in China said that she had to clean the buttons and the surface of the elevators at least twice daily and even 4 to 5 times in some days.

Meanwhile, many Chinese citizens are staying inside their houses to not catching the virus.

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