Demand For Delivery Robots Surges Amid CO.VID-19 Outbreak


Robotic delivery companies are jumping at the chance to 'expand exponentially' during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Similar to a slew of services that provide delivery robots, a company namely Starship Technologies is jumping at the chance to develop during the COVID-19 pandemic while millions of people are forced to stay at home. The skyrocketing demand for non-contact delivery is the key factor that leads to such an opportunity, according to Ryan Tuohy, head of business department at Starship Technologies.

The skyrocketing demand for non-contact delivery is the key factor that leads to such an opportunity.

In fact, restaurants and stores’ products still require manpower delivery, which is a job with increasingly potential dangers, particularly in the absence of protective equipment. Fortunately, Starship’s six-wheeled shipping bot can not be infected by any fatal virus. Moreover, these beach-cooler-sized buggies can be sanitized after each use at ease. 

Take Venizia’s NY Style Pizza as a telling example: the company's appetizing pies are now auto-shipping available for people nearby living in Phoenix, Arizona. They will be delivered by an inside-out sanitized Starship delivery robots before being placed inside the pizza restaurant. 

Notably, these “mechanical friends” can even mount on curbs and work in snowy conditions.

Then, the robot will travel to its customers within a half-mile radius. Notably, these “mechanical friends” can even mount on curbs and work in snowy conditions. And human operators at the headquarters can easily control them at any time. 

Reported by Fox 10 Phoenix in an interview with the restaurant manager, Renny Mitchell, protecting a robot from the coronavirus is obviously easier than that of a shipper. With no interaction between all of its 6-feet way, it will guarantee the safety of the customers. 

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