These Charts Show Your Chance Of Getting The Coronavirus

Aadhya Khatri - Mar 08, 2020

These Charts Show Your Chance Of Getting The Coronavirus

Coronavirus seems to infect men and women in equal numbers but up to two-thirds of deaths are male patients

It took the Coronavirus no more than 30 days to spread from just one region of China to the entire nation. Now dozens of other nations are suffering from it and people enter panic mode whenever they hear that someone in their area is tested positive for the virus.

Coronavirus China India
Now dozens of other nations are suffering from it and people enter panic mode whenever they hear that someone in their area is tested positive for the virus

To add to the fatality problem, what we know of this type of virus is still little, so there are so many questions unanswered at this point.

Our hope now is on China, the place where the Coronavirus originated. They probably have the most information to share. Analyzing what they are ensuring might give us some possible answers.

coronavirus China information
They probably have the most information to share. Analyzing what they are ensuring might give us some possible answers

From the 72,314 cases they have treated, among them, 44,672 are confirmed to carry the virus as of the 11th of February, the CCDC (stand for China’s Center for Disease Control) has made public their analysis on who are more prone to catching the Coronavirus.

Of all the 72,314 cases, only 10% are under 30 years old, and 2% are under 20. The majority of patients, about three-quarters are from 30 to 69 years old. Health officials announced that adults are more susceptible than kids.

The elderly suffer the most when it comes to mortality rate. While only 12% of the cases are people older than 70, half of them died of it. The 60-69 age group has a fatality rate of 30%.

Coronavirus death
While only 12% of the cases are people older than 70, half of them died of it. The 60-69 age group has a fatality rate of 30%

We can see a pretty clear trend with the mortality rate from the charts. People older than 80 years old usually suffer the most with 14,8% have died of the Coronavirus. The figure for the 70-79 age group is 8%. 3.5% of those from 60 to 69 years old succumb to the pandemic. Only 1.5% of people aged 50 to 59 years old died. The below 50 group sees the lowest fatality rate of below 1%. While people under 30 make up 4500 cases, the number of death is only 8.

Coronavirus seems to infect men and women in equal numbers but up to two-thirds of deaths are male patients.

Coronavirus men women
Coronavirus seems to infect men and women in equal numbers but up to two-thirds of deaths are male patients

Experts think that this has something to do with China’s high rate of smokers among men. Since people who smoke are more prone to lung diseases, it is possible that a history of smoking makes men more likely to die from the Coronavirus.

One thing we can be sure at this point, most of the cases are mild, around 80%. Only 5% of patients are critical and 14% are severe. All the 1,023 deaths are those who had already had critical diseases.

Coronavirus mild charts
One thing we can be sure at this point, most of the cases are mild, around 80%. Only 5% of patients are critical and 14% are severe

However, the biggest question now is whether this trend is relevant to the rest of the world or it is unique to China only. Recently, WHO announced that the global death rate is 3.4% as many other nations do not have the advanced healthcare system as China does.

These rates should not cause any panic but precautions are still needed all over the world. Wash your hands thoroughly and do not touch your faces. Try not to gather in large numbers. Quarantine yourself when you feel ill and show symptoms.

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