Cancer Can Be Cured Within Next Year, Said Israeli Scientists

Arnav Dhar - Feb 05, 2019

Cancer Can Be Cured Within Next Year, Said Israeli Scientists

An Israeli company stated that they are working on a cure without side effects for cancer that will be potentially released next year.

An Israeli company called Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies or AEBi stated that they are working on a cure for cancers which will be potentially released next year.

According to Dan Aridor - the company's board chairman, their cure for cancer is nothing else but a revolutionary in cancer treatment. The cure's effectiveness, as claimed by Aridor, will start from the very first day of treatment, go on over several weeks, and notably will have minimal or even no side effects. The cure is also expected to be cheaper than most existing treatments.

As indicated by The Jerusalem Post, Aridor said the cancer cure is dubbed MuTaTo, meaning "multi-target toxin." Cancer cells will be attacked with many peptides simultaneously. This approach is the decisive factor that makes this treatment method effective.

They also ensured that mutations cannot affect this method by attacking 3 receptors at a time instead of 1 at a time to reduce the risk of targeted receptors being modified by cancer cells' mutations. As indicated by chief executive officer Ilan Morad, cancer cells cannot mutate 3 receptors simultaneously.

Aebi CEO claimed cancer can be cured soon.

CEO Ilan Morad (right) with his chief science officer

Morad guarantees in the interview that the company has used its treatment method to prevent human's cancerous cell development in mice with zero impacts on the healthy cells of the animals. The firm has likewise finished some serious in-vitro trials and clinical trials will start soon, as claimed by Morad. Those might be finished in a couple of years, Morad said, then the treatment could be accessible in some certain cases.

That is plenty of statements, yet the interview article doesn't specify the presence of any peer-review research that was able to back those up.

Plainly, the sort of treatment AEBi is working on would be promising regarding cancer kills millions of people per year and stands second in most popular causes of death. In any case, we'll save our energy until after this special method of curing cancer confronts the reviews of established researchers.


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