In Just 6 Years, 159 Indian People Have Died While Trying To Take Selfies

Jeet Parikh

In Just 6 Years, 159 Indian People Have Died While Trying To Take Selfies

Between 2011-2017, India has become the country that has the most prominent number of deaths while trying to take a selfie with 159 death count.

Between 2011-2017, India has become the country that has the most prominent number of deaths while trying to take just... a selfie with 159 death count

It has been proven by researches, which was conducted by respectable organizations, that there can be deathly consequences when one takes a selfie without being careful enough of the environment around them. If you do not believe me, you just have to google the terms “death” and “selfie” together and see for yourself.


According to a research that was made by a journal based in the United States in the time range from 2011 to 2017, the number of people dying in India because they were trying to take a “great” selfie far outweighs the number of people dying due to the same cause in any other country on the face of this planet.

After reading through the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, one can clearly see that there have been at least 259 people across the world losing their precious lives in the last seven years in many different unnatural accidents that, at first glance, may make you think that they do not have anything in common at all.

However, after carefully examining the causes of those deaths, the journalist was able to find out the one single common link between all of them. It is true that the victims all died by different causes, but they all do one thing right before they die: trying to take a “cool” selfie.

When breaking the 259 lethal selfies number into different countries with their own numbers respectively, one can observe that India is unarguably the one with the most prominent “death by taking selfie” count with an untouchable number of people dying while taking a selfie of 159.

In other words, India alone has more people who died while taking a selfie than the rest of the world combined. From the rest of the list, we can obviously see that Russia is the country with the second highest death by selfies counts due to its 16 cases of people dying when taking selfies. The United States follows right behind Russia as the third country with the highest amount of selfie deaths. Finally, the fourth most deaths by selfie happen in Pakistan.

After many types of research were conducted in the whole world to study all the deaths that are related to taking selfies, the researchers were finally able to draw out a sufficient sample reserve to conclude that the ones dying while trying to take a selfie are on average 23 years old. When it comes to sex, the researchers found out that a significant proportion of people dying while taking a selfie were male, 72% to be exact.

However, this report must be taken with a grain of salt, as while this number is intimidating enough, the researchers all believe that there is no way that this much is the actual number of deaths that occurred while the victims were trying to take a selfie in this whole planet. This case is especially prominent in the developing countries. After all, in those countries people dying while taking a selfie is hardly anything worthy of reporting.

Thus, it has become quite natural that the people in those countries do not report when someone dies due to this kind of cause. For example, there is a really high number of people dying while posing for a selfie in the middle of the road and cause an accident. In this case, the ones with authority usually just report them as “death by road traffic accidents” without mentioning anything about the fact that they were trying to take selfies right before their deaths. Thus, people will fail to properly evaluate the true dangers lurking behind the simple act of taking a selfie.

After conducting the researches on people dying due to trying to take a selfie, the researchers have noticed a steady upward trend of the graph illustrating the number of people that died while taking a selfie over these recent years. Since noticing that this trend is picking up its pace instead of slowing down as they had predicted before starting the researches, the researchers have been trying to urge the governments of all the countries on this planet to mark tourist spots that is hazardous or places that have beautiful views but are incredibly dangerous to get to as “selfie free zone” by spreading materials that have clear information and signposts planted right before the entrance to those places.