An Overcharged Samsung Tablet Led To A Fire Accident

Anil - Jun 27, 2019

An Overcharged Samsung Tablet Led To A Fire Accident

The fire accident took place after an 11-year-old boy did carelessly forget to plug out his tablet from the charger.

The Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service recently announced that a local boy has luckilly escaped from a fire accident, which derived from his Samsung tablet. According to a statement published after the scary incident took place, the 11-year-old boy did carelessly forget to plug out his tablet from the charger and let it be charged overnight, which led to an overheat issue then it burned.

Fire bedroom
Here's what exactly the statement said about thing happening to the boy

As per the statement, the tablet had been used for four years. The boy, without awareness, had left it with a genuine charger since 9 pm the night before until he awoke the next morning and was aware of his current situation and the bed as well.

Fire accidents
People often overcharge the Lithium battery of their devices or let them be charged overnight on their beds.

A very common practice is that people often overcharge the Lithium battery of their devices or let them be charged overnight on their beds. In fact, this habit should be taken down immediately, while the fire risks related to charging mobile devices are always on the alert, especially when they're placed near or on the bed, furniture, paper, and other flammable substances as well.

Note that last year, a devastating accident similar to this happened to Nazrin Hassan - CEO of Cradle Fund. Hassan was said to keep his phones on charging in the bedroom overnight. Unfortunately, one of his unplugged smartphones got overheated and exploded, which led to his death.


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