Dad's App Makes His Teen Boy Unable To Ignore Parents’ Texts
Jyotis - Jan 14, 2019
When the message is read, the sender will get the notification.
Nick Herbert, a parent from the United Kingdom, has developed a smartphone app to help him keep contacting his son more effectively.
In some certain teenage periods, the young often becomes too difficult to communicate with others, especially with their parents. One of their most prevailing selections when receiving calls or texts from their parents is to ignore them as long as possible.
Instead of requiring his son to reply to all messages, Nick Herbert decided to create an app for smartphones to handle this issue.
On the website of the app, Herbert said that in some cases, he sent messages to his child and could not know whether he read them or not. Besides, his child can’t also classify the calls or texts as important or normal ones.
Herbert calls this smartphone app ReplyASAP which runs on Android OS and helps you to send messages to those who are in connection with you via the app. How does ReplyASAP do to attract teens’ attention? It makes a lot of noise when any new message sent to their smartphones and just stops when the receiver replies to it. One notable thing is that even when smartphones are set on the silent mode, the app still makes the sounds.
Nick Herbert and his son
In addition, when the message is read, the sender will get the notification. And hence, parents will feel more assured or at least, they can realize that their children don’t want to reply to them.
We can find a lot of current messaging applications which provide the feature notifying when a recipient receives or reads a message; however, all of these apps are not designed for the cases of the message being ignored or not seen due to any possible reasons. ReplyASAP is developed for such the cases. Herbert said that.
He asked for consultation from his friends under the same condition, and of course, from his own child to complete this app and ensure it suitable for both teens and parents.
While developing it, Herbert revealed the ideas behind ReplyASAP and its designs to Ben, his son who loves the idea. And he also knows that once he installs the app on his smartphone, he can’t ignore or doesn’t know about messages from his parents as he used to.
Up to now, the smartphone app has received 75,000 downloads, as well as the high appreciation from users. ReplyASAP is now developed for Android platform, but it is expected to come to iOS in the coming time.
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