Do You Know You Can Paint On Excel? This 80YO Man Does And He's Famous

Dhir Acharya - Jul 08, 2020

Do You Know You Can Paint On Excel? This 80YO Man Does And He's Famous

Do You Know You Can Paint On Microsoft Excel? This 80-year-old man from Japan has become famous with stunning landscape paintings.

The thing about art is that there are no limits to what and how you can create an artwork. We have seen artists around the world using the most unexpected tools and materials to produce stunning pictures, like food, nails, even waste, etc.

And this 80-year-old grandpa from Japan is blowing minds all over the internet with the pictures he drew using Microsoft Excel. Tatsuo Horiuchi has recreated the beauty of Japan’s landscapes and natural heritage on his computer at home.

Tatsuo Horiuchi creates artwork using Microsoft Excel
Tatsuo Horiuchi creates artwork using Microsoft Excel

He started using Microsoft Excel two decades ago when it was time for his retirement. When looking for a new hobby for his spare time, Horiuchi wanted an activity that didn’t involve expensive supplies or software. As you all have seen, he began painting in Excel.

Excel painting
His artwork is made up of harmonious, delicate mixtures
Excel painting
His artwork is made up of harmonious, delicate mixtures

Despite having no prior experience with the software, the retired man quickly mastered the painting technique in Excel. In 2006, six years since his first attempt with Excel painting, Horiuchi won the Autoshape Art Contest.

Tatsuo Horiuchi creates artwork using Microsoft Excel
Some of his paintings were acquired by a local museum

His artwork is made up of harmonious, delicate mixtures that illustrate the breathtaking beauty of Japan’s landscapes. Some of the paintings were even acquired to be exhibited at the local Gunma Museum of Art. Take a look at some of his beautiful paintings here.

Excel 8 Compressed

Excel Art Painting8

Excel 2

Excel 4

Excel Painter 2

Ghep Dfnw

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