8 Signs You Suck At Math

Aadhya Khatri

Math is undoubtedly one of the bases of our current modern life, however, for most people, a math problem can drive them crazy

Math is undoubtedly one of the bases of our current modern life; however, for most people, what they know about it is limited to four rules. So here are the things a person who sucks at math can relate to:

The Idea Of Doing Your Math Homework Brings Tear To Your Eyes

You want to procrastinate whenever you think of your math homework

You may not be a lazy person, but if the thought of doing math homework make you want to procrastinate, or you would rather spend time doing anything else rather than learning to calculate or solve equations.

You Think Of The Calculator Even When You Have To Deal With Simple Calculations

You reach for your calculator even for simple math

Even when you have to deal with things like 10+4 or 4x7, the calculator is the first thing that comes to your mind. Some people even use the calculator to double check the results after mental calculation.

Sometimes You Are The Only Person Who Does Not Get It

It seems like you are the only person in the class who does not understand math

When you are in the math class, it seems like what the teacher is saying makes sense to everyone but you. You just sit idly watching your classmates taking notes and doing the calculation.

You Think Failing Math Class Is Your Destiny

You think you always fail math class

You have done everything you can, from getting a tutor to do more homework, but you still get bad scores at math. Over time, you are convinced that you will fail no matter what you do.

You Think Math Is Useless

You think math is useless

You always wonder why you have to learn math because it will serve no purpose in real life, which is not true.

You Feel Like A Champion After You Get A Math Problem Right

You feel like you are on top of the world when you get a math problem right

When all of your efforts finally pay off, you get a math problem right; you will feel like you are on top of the world.

Getting Called On Is Your Worst Nightmare

The idea of getting called on freaks you out

Saying something wrong in front of your classmates is not something anyone wants to do. So when the teacher looks for someone to solve a problem on the board, your first instinct is to hide and keep quiet.

Math Mental Breakdowns

Math mental breakdown is real

If you have a talent for math, you will not believe that there is a thing called math mental breakdown, but it exists. After a lot of effort and time and you cannot solve a math problem, the best thing you can do for your brain is to take a short break and start again.

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