Oh Wow, 51% Workers Are Watching P.o.r.n On Their Work Devices, Are You One Of Them?

Dhir Acharya

Oh Wow, 51% Workers Are Watching P.o.r.n On Their Work Devices, Are You One Of Them?

We know you are all watching more adult content during the lengthy lockdown. But on your work devices, seriously? Are you not scared of getting caught?

The COVID-19 outbreak has led to a global trend of working from home, especially in countries with large scale lockdowns like India. With the ongoing situation, 51% of employees admitted they are using their work devices to watch more adult content, according to a Wednesday report.

Meanwhile, 18% of them watch p.o.r.n on devices provided by their employers and 33% admitted that they are watching p.o.r.n on their personal devices that are also used for work.

51% of workers watch more p.o.r.n
51% of workers are watching more adult content on their work devices

On a brighter side, nearly 31% of workers said that they are working for a longer time than they used to.

But 46% of workers said they have spent more time doing personal activities. As revealed in the report, workers, especially IT, find it more difficult to separate work from their personal activities while working from home.

In addition, 55% of workers are reading new more than they did before and 60% of this activity takes place on work devices.

However, working from home also increases the risk of shadow IT as people are using more of their personal services for work. Not only their personal information can be hacked but they may also get malware if they don’t pay attention to the adult content sites and resources.

Watching adult content on work devices pose risks

For example, 42% of workers are using their personal email for work purposes while 49% said the usage has gone up during the work-from-home time, according to the report.

At the same time, 38% of workers use their personal messengers not approved by their companies’ IT departments.

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