13 Examples Of Car Modifications That Show Terrible Taste


In the journey to make the perfect car, mishaps can happen. Here are 13 examples of car modifications that show terrible taste.

Every driver wants to have their dream car and customize it to their own liking. But sometimes, in their journey to make the perfect car, mishaps can happen and the car can turn into a nightmare for other people. Here are 13 examples of car modifications that show terrible taste.

1. The SpongeBob car

The SpongeBob car.

SpongeBob is a great cartoon. But things got a little bit too far with this driver.

2. The furry car

The furry car.

The furry trend has expanded from fashion to the highways. And we must admit that this looks terrible.

3. The drunk car

The drunk car.

4. The pirate car

The pirate car.

This is what happens when you want to become a pirate in real life.

5. The dream car

The dream car.

This car looks like a toy car that has been stolen from a toddler.

6. The game car

The game car.

Taking a first look at this car, you would think that it comes from a video game. The car does look sick, but was it necessary?

7. The wing car

The wing car.

Seeing how this car looks, it surely won’t become your wingman.

8. The Japanese car

The Japanese car.

We have no explanation for this design. Was it designed to offer drivers some kind of snow shoveling experience? We really don’t know.

9. The tile car

The tile car.

10. The coin car

The coin car.

This car’s exterior is screaming wealth. But let’s hope the interior isn’t because sitting on coins isn’t going to be a pleasant experience.

11. The lady car

The lady car.

This car isn’t suitable if you’re going to work, job interviews or visit your partner’s parents. In short, don’t drive this car anywhere.

12. The coffin car

The coffin car.

Try this car if you want to experience what it feels like being inside a coffin.

13. The not-white car

The not-white car.

The car looks terrible. Period.

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